Witness the movement of breath

the simplest and most immediate way to come into the body, into the moment is our breath. witnessing our breath as movement in the body 🐣 ♥️ ✨

✨tomorrow friday may 22nd my friend&teacher @kirantrace is starting her new, free course: a 10-day process on purpose. We all need to feel in purpose these days... sign up here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GtiXxDpqs8X1lr3WdBpPmD 

‪✨here you find my ujjay pranayama thing to give it a try (a specific breathing technique we use in yoga to support our asanapractise):

✨join me for friday restorative heaven😻 @myyogaatelier we keep this class online for now, so you can practice along in your pjs, not needing to get back home after this deep restful practise: https://www.chantalhauser.com/bookings-checkout/friday-restorative-yoga-5pm-english 

✨ join me for Friday restorative heaven😻 @myyogaatelier we keep this class online for now, so you can practice along in your pjs, not needing to get back home after this deep restful practice: sign up here

 🙏🏻 Leela


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